Friday, June 28, 2013

Addressing the False Claim That Jehovah's Witnesses Give Their Organization “Unquestioning Loyalty”

Jehovah’s Witnesses have NEVER taught “people to give human run organizations unquestioning loyalty.”

The claim that Witnesses give their organization “unquestioning loyalty” is a dishonest misrepresentation and is only believed by the gullible and those who do not check or care about facts.

The W(atchtower) S(ociety) does NOT teach that they are the final authority. The Witnesses actual teaching is very clear for all to read: "What God’s Word has to say on any issue should be considered as final and binding on all members"--(w68 2/1 p. 84)

They direct attention to the Bible as: "the FINAL AUTHORITY."--(km 9/02 p.2; g80 9/22 p.12; it-1 p.1205; g75 10/22 p.22; g70 4/22 p.25).

"The ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY." --(sg p.155; w77 5/1 p.287; w56 11/15 p.704).
"The SOLE AUTHORITY for all that they believe."--(w85 5/15 p.30).
"The ULTIMATE AUTHORITY."--(g96 4/22 p.14).
"The HIGHEST AUTHORITY."--(g88 7/8 p.9; w66 11/1 p.672; w66 3/15 p.173; w61 3/1 p.160)
"The ONLY SOURCE of truth."--(g00 4/8 p.9).

Further, showing how deceptively false this claim is, the WTS itself has reproved Witnesses for even using terminology that would even appear to place the WTS as their authority on any subject, reemphasizing that JW's should use only the Bible as their source.--(w98 3/15 p.18)

Witnesses repeatedly refer to the Beroean's example as the correct response to any teaching, inspired or not: they double-check from Scripture that what the inspired and miracle performing Paul was teaching was truth (Ac.17:11; cf. Jn.4:1).

Witnesses are repeatedly and constantly admonished that they cannot simply trust anyone else to tell them the Truth, but that they must study the Bible for themselves and make sure that they personally know and understand the facts.

The truth of the matter is that any individual who does not continue to seriously examine their beliefs in light of the Scriptures will not become one of Jehovah's Witnesses and if they do get baptized they will not remain a Witnesses. From the first study with JWs a person is taught to examine the Bible and compare their personal beliefs with it.

The only authority Jehovah's Witnesses give to Christian overseers is that which is mandated by Holy Scripture. Anyone who criticizes JWs on this arrangement must also criticize the Apostles, the first century Christians and the Bible itself. Because Witnesses pattern their organization after that indicated in the Bible (Ac.15:2,6,7,22-31; 16:4,5; 8:14, Gal 2:9; 1Tim.3:1-13; Tit.1:5-9; 1Pt 5:2,3). The True Christian organization would be identified by having this Biblical structure.

According to God’s Word, the congregation members must be obedient to the "orders" of those “overseers” and “elders,” and it required that "all within its fold agree" with expressed Christian beliefs. Those that did not were removed from fellowship (1Thes.4:1,2; 2Thes.3:14; Heb.13:7,17; Php.2:12). Any religion which does not follow these mandates cannot be truly Christian.

"Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls."

Just as in the first century Christian congregation, the decisions of these elders are not arbitrary but are completely based on Scriptures and the obvious direction of the Holy Spirit. Their decisions can be double-checked and verified by an examination of the Scriptures. So, confidence and obedience to these teachers in the congregation comes from personally confirming that the decisions are based ONLY on the Scriptures.

The authoritative organization serves as the instrument to build faith and maintain correct doctrine based only on Scripture (Eph.4:11-13; 2Tim.3:16,17). The purpose of headship is to preserve unity and ensure that "all things take place decently and by arrangement" (1Cor.14:40).

So, we do not blindly follow any organization but we recognize those who give evidence of accurate teaching. Witnesses give evidence that they are True Christians by their strictly following Scriptural truth and by their fruitage (Mt.7:16-19; Jn.13:34,35).

All Witnesses do is to invite others to do the same, critically examine your beliefs in light of the plain and explicit teaching of Scripture and the evidence in the actions of your religion and its members, then choose to follow Christ closely (Rom.10:1-3; Eph.1:17).

SOURCE: This is an answer provided by BAR_ANERGES to a question at Yahoo Answers.

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