Click on any of the following links to view:
Colossians 2:9 (Reasoning from the Scriptures) (rs p. 405-p. 426; Watchtower Online Library)
A consideration of the context of Colossians 2:9 clearly shows that having “divinity,” or “divine nature,” does not make Christ the same as God the Almighty. (Insight-1 pp. 638-639; Watchtower Online Library)
Why does the NWT at Col. 2:9 state that in Jesus "all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily," where as other translations state that in Jesus "dwells the fullness of Deity or the Godhead?'" (Defending the NWT)
Does Col. 2:9 prove that Jesus is God? (Search For Bible Truths)
Col. 2:9 - "Fulness of Deity" (Examining the Trinity)
"Theotes simply does not literally mean "godhead," and the use of "godhead" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today..." (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)
Colossians 2:9 (Reasoning from the Scriptures) (rs p. 405-p. 426; Watchtower Online Library)
A consideration of the context of Colossians 2:9 clearly shows that having “divinity,” or “divine nature,” does not make Christ the same as God the Almighty. (Insight-1 pp. 638-639; Watchtower Online Library)
Why does the NWT at Col. 2:9 state that in Jesus "all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily," where as other translations state that in Jesus "dwells the fullness of Deity or the Godhead?'" (Defending the NWT)
Does Col. 2:9 prove that Jesus is God? (Search For Bible Truths)
Col. 2:9 - "Fulness of Deity" (Examining the Trinity)
"Theotes simply does not literally mean "godhead," and the use of "godhead" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today..." (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)